Implicit Biases: who gets a seat at your ‘table’?

Unconscious, or implicit, biases can also turn into confirmation biases as leaders unconsciously attract and retain those who share so much with them. This becomes riskier when the top leader chooses a leadership team that shares blind spots with them as much as they share cultures, backgrounds, and mindsets. Diversity at the top, therefore, continues to suffer, which limits how far you and your organization can go. A perceived lack of diversity at the top has negative implications on talent attraction and retention, as well as motivation and productivity.

About 40% of surveyed employees indicate they experience bias frequently – at least once a month, mostly subtle and indirect. And a majority believe that it reduces their productivity. Deloitte’s State of Inclusion Report

What makes this even trickier is that many of your employees and stakeholders may notice your implicit biases longer before you do. As a result, you may end up with so many failed attempts to attract diverse talent around your decision making table. Beyond unconscious bias training, how else would you navigate this and avoid the glass ceiling it places on your growth?

  • Look around you and check the immediate circle around the most senior leader. I would begin by assessing how diverse your top and senior leadership teams (major decision makers) are. To what extent do they feature unique backgrounds, experiences, mindsets, and perspectives?
  • Have a third party solicit and summarize anonymous employee feedback on opportunities to make an impact within the organization. This is about focusing on respondent perceptions of the effectiveness of leadership in availing opportunities for contributing to the organization’s growth in meaningful ways. You may want to have the feedback summarized by respondent backgrounds and job families/levels.
  • Challenge your leadership team to identify and develop ‘hidden’ diverse leadership talent. Unconscious biases may discourage many high potential employees with diverse backgrounds from advocating for themselves. Challenging executives to identify and sponsor some ‘unusual’ future leadership talent can go a long way in combating implicit biases.

Unconscious bias affects not only diversity and inclusion metrics but also how far you can grow as a leader and grow your organization or team. Regardless of the success of  your diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategy, there is always room for improvement through mitigating these biases. How do you plan to understand and combat yours?

How Clear is Your Vision?

A well-articulated vision can be your most important tool for creating positive employee and client experiences, hence maximizing financial growth. But surprisingly, in many successful organizations the top leadership vision for the future is an area of ambiguity for the majority of employees.

Only “22% of employees strongly agree the leadership of their organization has a clear direction for the organization.” according to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace Report

The lack of clarity around your vision can be most detrimental to optimal employee and client experiences. Spending a little bit of time on clearly articulating your vision and establishing alignment around it can go a long way in maximizing potential for your people, your organization, and you. Here are a few examples:

  • Results that exceed expectations. A clear vision offers guidance as to where the organization is heading and its key pillars for getting there. This creates space for employees to take initiative, going above and beyond their stated goals to serve a bigger purpose while realizing their potential.
  • Prioritizing clients. If developed properly, a well-articulated vision is constant reminder of who you are looking to serve and what makes you unique for them. It offers the foundation for developing and implementing strategies that optimize the client experience. As a result, your people are motivated to operate as a single team that is responsible for creating better and better client experiences.  
  • Attracting and retaining top talent. High potential talent is typically looking for ways to align their capabilities and ambitions with a fulfilling and promising future. Sitting there and doing as told becomes underwhelming for them so quickly. A clear vision that allows them to reach for the stars is a big part of what they need to fuel the growth of your organization and stick with it.

Developing or revisiting and communicating your future vision may seem like a cumbersome effort that delays operations and delivery. Honestly, doing it right doesn’t typically take that long for an already successful organization. Yet, it multiplies your success in ways that could even be much beyond your own imagination.

Connect with us and let’s discuss our approach for facilitating visions development, articulation, and alignment using a simple format.

Energy industry leaders: beware of your blind spots!

Lessons from our executive coaching and leadership advisory work

It’s well established now that the energy industry is somewhat a lagger when it comes to innovation, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and attractiveness to Gen Zs or young talent in general. Through our work as an energy industry executive coach and leadership advisor, my clients and I have identified some common blind sports that seem to be partially behind this delay.

Our executive coaching, leadership development, and strategy consulting clientele come from the different industry sectors: oil and gas, utilities, renewable energy, and consulting practices. Some of these segments are younger and more dynamic than others. So they may score more highly in innovation, DEI, and attractiveness to the younger generation. But the blind sports that we list here are useful for improving profiles across the different segments.

Identify and address your blind spots

Before you review our list, we suggest that you consider blind spots that you’ve identified for yourslf as potential hurdles for innovation, DEI, and succession planning.

We have identified three common blind spots where leaders show up as lacking balance or awareness, and hence too closed off to embrace innovation, diversity, and exponential growth.

Balancing trust and competency

This appears to be a challenge for executives who have identified a close circle of employees that they clearly trust more than most other employees. The result is typically a wider perception that useful information and growth opportunities mostly go to members of this inner circle. Some may view this as favoritism and others may feel that it renders their leader blind to the real potential within their organization. The leaders we work with benefit from becoming more inclusive in their interactions and casting wider nets for engaging about new opportunities.

Balancing authority and influence

Expecting employees to do what they are told to do is getting old. In best case scenarios, they will exactly deliver what they are being asked to deliver to avoid unfavorable outcomes. The most innovative, ambitious talent starts looking for fulfilling roles elsewhere. They seek leaders who are strong influencers and open up the space for people to grow. This motivates them to go beyond implementing the visions of their leaders into taking ownership of the future. This is where innovators find room to grow and surprise their leaders with results that they themselves haven’t envisioned.

Clarity and accuracy of DEI-related communication

“We don’t have an issue here. We’re a pretty diverse organization. Look around you!” Assuming that DEI is just about gender and racial diversity may very well suggest to your employees that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Equity and inclusion have become far more important than diversity quotas and they can easily drive your diversity numbers up. Also, most top executives are not DEI experts. I would start by letting the experts collect and analyze the data and empower employees to share their experiences. An accurate picture of the state of DEI and a clear plan can go a long way in reinforcing your credibility as a leader and restoring faith in your organization.

Which of these resonated with you or with your experiences with other leaders? What can you do about them?

The trick with blind spots is that they may be noticeable for everyone around us but impossible to notice for us. This makes them a quick win in any professional development journey.

Contact us today to schedule your complimentary strategy session and discuss your strategy for identifying and addressing your own blind spots.